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The Republican Liberty Caucus Publishes 2021 Legislative Scorecard for Congress

Created by the Republican Liberty Caucus, the 2021 Liberty Index is a liberty-focused legislative scorecard for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. The Liberty Index scores Republican members of Congress on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2021 that either advance liberty or diminish liberty. Green bills are pro-liberty bills supported by the RLC. Red bills are anti-liberty bills opposed by the RLC. For information on the bills we selected, see the bill explanations on page three of the document.

A green number one indicates that the Representative/Senator voted with the RLC on that bill. A red number zero indicates the Representative/Senator voted against the RLC position on that bill. “NV” means the Representative/Senator was absent and did not vote. Absences are scored the same as a vote against the RLC position.

The Liberty Score is obtained by calculating the percentage that a Representative/Senator votes in line with the RLC. For example, the highest possible Liberty Score is 100. This is achieved if a Representative/Senator voted with the RLC 100% of the time.

A high score on this scorecard does not equate to an automatic endorsement from the RLC. This scorecard simply evaluates the voting record of each Republican member of Congress during the 2021 calendar year.

Congratulations to Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, and Congressman Thomas Massie for earning perfect scores on the 2021 Liberty Index!

Washington RLC Holds State Convention, Honors Late Chairwoman

RLCWA - Facebook Size

This last year has really shed light upon a division between Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Left and Right, Freedom… and Draconianism. Some states like Florida have come to be known as “Free States”, even by their own Governor; while others have come to be known for their severe lockdowns and loss of freedom of movement and liberties. This has caused growth in the RLC within some states, while other states have lost the ability to hold meetings, thus dampening them.

However, all the way in the top Northwest corner of the Continental Land of Liberty, there has been a real resurgence and push for Liberty all while maintaining itself throughout this whole ordeal. The State of Washington is home to one of the best state-level RLCs in the Nation. While the lockdowns and other measures by both state and local government had prevented meetings in person, through a real push for action, the Republican Liberty Caucus of Washington State (RLCWA) have not taken it lying down. They’ve withheld this entire time and have worked hard to persevere.


On October 2nd, RLCWA held their State Convention in Maryville. Additionally, they held their Annual Constitution Day Dinner in Yakima on October 9th. Both of these events ended with great success and momentum. Approximately 90 people showed up to the Constitution Day Dinner! Many attendees of this event recounted their experience of the event as a great time discussing Liberty and Freedom in these trying times, the ordeal that they’ve been through, and what is in store for the Washington State Government as the RLCWA makes their flame even bigger and continues to grow.


Currently the RLCWA has chapters and activity in King (Seattle), Snohomish, Benton, Franklin, Spokane, and Yakima Counties, and they are currently working even harder to continue to grow, in seeing an enhanced opportunity for growth in the Eastern half, the “Liberty Region”; as its known by some in the State being far away removed from the Draconian powers of the State Government in Olympia. At the Convention, RLCWA Elected their State Board: New Chair Matt Brown, Vice Chair Travis Miller, Secretary Dana Johnson, Treasurer Theresa Trujillo, and Directors-at-Large Steve Edwards, Kellie Crabb, Kevin Kissel, Alena Kissel, and Dan Townsend.

A Native to Phoenix, Arizona, living in Yakima, Washington since 2006, the newly elected RLCWA Chairman Matt Brown comes to the helm of RLCWA with a wealth of political acumen and experience. Currently, Chairman Brown is a candidate running for Yakima City Council Seat 6. Additionally, He was elected as the State Committeeman for the Yakima County Republican Party. Matt Brown created an organized website and system to properly disperse Covid Data & Information within the State of Washington in an easy to read format.


On his goals for the RLCWA, Chairman Brown said “I am honored to become chair of RLCWA. We have a lot of work to do to flip this state Red in 2022 and 2024. That work starts at the local grassroots level something RLC has always excelled at. Our caucus will get faster and more organized over the next couple years as we fight to keep the republic in Washington State!”


The Convention and Dinner were bitter sweet for RLCWA as the election for Chairman came only 16 days after the passing of RLCWA Chairwoman Sandra “Sandi” Belzer. Sandi had been battling Cancer for some time but did not let anyone know about it, all the while working tenaciously to develop and expand the RLC throughout the State of Washington. After all, growth of the Republican Liberty Caucus and Liberty Movement has been experienced in the State of Washington, with Sandi playing an immeasurable role in this effort. This stands as evidence of her unwavering determination and dedication. Sandi had been a member of the RLC since 2012 and had been one of the Founders of the RLC not only in Washington State but in Yakima County.

Sandra Belzer

Sandi came into the RLC on fire and lit the torch even more. There are videos on Youtube from the 2013 RLC National Convention in Austin Texas where you can see her going into action and speaking. Please watch and enjoy the videos herein; as you will see Sandi’s unyielding dedication to liberty and to the RLC.

Sandi rose up in the RLCWA, making her way to State Chair & working hard to develop local chapters throughout the Washington State.

“She was very proud to be a part of the RLC particularly because we’re the Caucus for Liberty & it’s in our name and she would say so every time she spoke about RLC.”

– Theresa Trujillo, RLCWA State Treasurer

Alongside that, Sandi was heavily involved in politics in all Levels of Washington State, having ran for Yakima City Council, and had worked on Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential Campaign in Washington State, as well as Former Republican Police Chief Loren Culp’s 2020 Gubernatorial Campaign all the way to the General Election. It was for her actions and works that Sandi was posthumously awarded the RLCWA Captain John Parker Award, their Top Award for works in instilling Liberty in the Land.

Captain John Parker, as historians will note, was the famed commander of the Massachusetts Militia in Lexington while facing off with the British in the battle that has been known as “The Shot heard around the World”, marking the beginning of the American Revolution. The Lexington Minuteman has now commonly become accepted as symbolizing Captain Parker. Additionally, Captain Parker is considered a symbol of the United States Army Reserve’s (USAR) motto “Twice the Citizen”. So, to honor Sandi with this Award unveils the profundity of her efforts. Dana Johnson, RLC State Secretary spoke of Sandi’s character, which truly summed up how she was worthy of the Captain Parker Award.

“She was fearless, and solid as a rock in her faith, her commitment and determination. She never wavered in principle, and she always stood her ground.”

– Dana Johnson, RLCWA Secretary

Sandi also received Praise from her Successor to the State Chair.

“We lost a great patriot and friend this year. She will be missed, and I know I have large shoes to fill. Sandy was bold, a fighter, and had a motor like no one else. She left a high standard of excellence and a legacy to last a lifetime. We will miss her at RLCWA but as Sandy would say we are the only caucus fighting to Keep the Republic and that’s just what we will do!”

– Matt Brown, RLCWA Chairman

As pointed out before, Sandi’s Fire and Energy did not just stay in the borders of Washington State, she nationally inspired the Republican Liberty Caucus and helped strengthen our movement.

“Sandi was everything you could ever hope for in a volunteer and leader. She was full of energy and worked tirelessly to advance the principle of the Republican Liberty Caucus. She will be sorely missed.”

– Matt Nye, RLC National Chairman

Sandi’s passing left a real hole and space to attempt to fill in the RLCWA, but there are two points to make for this: 1. No one can ever replace Sandi, and 2. She helped build an AMAZING team for RLCWA that can succeed her and continue on strong. Thomas Jefferson once said to Benjamin Franklin, when he took over as Ambassador to France, “I’m merely succeeding you Mr. Franklin, no one can ever replace you”. This is what the team for RLCWA are doing. They aren’t replacing Sandi, they are succeeding her, and they are a team that will succeed.


Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona Publishes 2021 Legislative Scorecard

AZ Senator Warren Peterson Receives The 2021 Champion of Liberty Award - RLCAZ
RLCAZ Chair Dave Kahn and Secretary/Treasurer Ben Beckhart presenting the Champion of Liberty award to Senator Warren Petersen (center)

The Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona held their quarterly meeting on July 24 and unveiled their fourth annual legislative scorecard. The 2021 Liberty Index scores legislators based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government and free markets. Twenty key floor votes were scored, and bonus/penalty points were issued for key committee votes or for cosponsoring certain bills.

The theme for the quarterly meeting was “Principles Matter,” and guest speakers included State Representative Jacqueline Parker and State Senator Warren Petersen. Both spoke about their specific principles they uphold when voting on legislation.

Rep. Jacqueline Parker was given the Rookie of the Year award as the highest scoring freshman legislator, with a Liberty Score of 94. State Senator Warren Petersen was given the Champion of Liberty award for earning the only perfect score in the Senate. After factoring in bonus points, Senator Petersen’s Liberty Score was 102.

AZ Senator Warren Peterson Receives The 2021 Champion of Liberty Award - RLCAZ
RLCAZ Chair Dave Kahn and Secretary/Treasurer Ben Beckhart presenting the Champion of Liberty award to Senator Warren Petersen (center)

State Representative Shawnna Bolick was the only House member to earn a perfect Liberty Score of 100, so she will receive the Champion of Liberty award for the House.

Among the other top scorers were two legislators endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona. State Representative Travis Grantham, currently serving as the Speaker Pro Tempore, earned a Liberty Score of 95 and State Representative Bret Roberts earned a Liberty Score of 94.

The lowest scoring Republicans were State Representative David Cook at 62 and State Senator Paul Boyer at 68.

See how Arizona’s legislators scored on the 2021 Liberty Index: https://www.scribd.com/document/517206063/Liberty-Index-2021


Rep. Thomas Massie to headline 2021 RLC National Convention

2021 RLC Convention Graphic

We are pleased to announce Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky will be the keynote speaker at the 2021 RLC Biennial Convention. Rep. Massie has been an outspoken critic of the government response to COVID-19 and was the only representative in Congress with the courage to stand against the madness and ask that the first $2 trillion relief bill be given an actual hearing and roll call vote.

Join us at the Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida, on June 26th & 27th as we “Breathe Life Back Into Liberty”. If you’re a grassroots leader in the Liberty Movement, this is a can’t miss event. Other speakers include:

  • Rep Byron Donalds, US Congress, Florida District 39
  • Rep Anthony Sabatini, Florida House District 32
  • Tina Descovich, Co-Founder Moms for Liberty
  • Kim Klacik, President Red Renaissance PAC
  • Heather Wagenhals, Unlock Your Wealth Foundation
  • Matt Nye, RLC National Chair
  • John Dennis, RLC Vice-Chair & Chairman of the Republican Party of San Francisco
  • Bob White, RLC of Florida Chair

You can learn more about the program details here, and register here!

We have also secured a special group room rate with the Rosen Centre of $124. Call (407) 996-9840 and mention group code “RLC” or book online here. The Rosen Centre is sold out, but they are overflowing us to the Rosen Shingle Creek which is only five minutes away.

RLC of Colorado Responds to “Marxist Conspiracy” Facebook Post

RLCCO Facebook Post

It has come to our attention that a former member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Colorado created a Facebook post on Tuesday that insinuated that the recent mass shooting in Boulder was part of a “Marxist conspiracy.” Our organization does not condone that characterization and we unequivocally disavow this poorly-conceived, horribly-timed post.

Despite the fact that a phone number and contact information are included on our website as well as all communications with the press, Marianne Goodland, journalist for Colorado Politics and the Denver Gazette made no effort to contact Sue Moore, Chairman of RLCCO.  “To say that this was a calculated misrepresentation of our organization would be an understatement”, says Moore. “Furthermore, Ms. Goodland claims that the post was ‘unsigned.’ That is another falsehood,” Moore continues.

We are deeply saddened by the events that happened in Boulder and find it extremely unprofessional that a journalist with Ms. Goodland’s experience would seek to attack our organization on the basis of a single Facebook post from a former member without substantiation.  

We will continue our work of holding Republicans accountable to conservative principles in Colorado via the Liberty Scorecard <http://libertyscorecard.rlcco.org>.

For more information, please contact Sue Moore, Chairman RLCCO at 303-349-6185

RLC National Board Condemns RLCCO Facebook Post About CO Shooting

RLCCO Facebook Post

MELBOURNE, FL – In response to the shooting that occurred on Tuesday, March 22nd, at the King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, the Colorado chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus posted a statement on Facebook that implied recent shootings were part of a “Marxist Party” plot to enact stricter gun laws.

This statement from the Republican Liberty Caucus of Colorado does not represent the views of the Republican Liberty Caucus. The Republican Liberty Caucus Board of Directors disagrees with this statement and disavows it.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those killed by the shooter. We condemn the heinous actions of the killer and hope justice is served swiftly.

Updated 03/25/21 07:13pm: The content in question was posted by a former RLC of Colorado member that still had admin access to the state’s Facebook page. The post was not approved or sanctioned by the leadership of the RLC of Colorado. The RLCCO State Chair has removed both the post and the individual’s access to the page.

About the Republican Liberty Caucus
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

RLC of Arizona publishes Third Annual Legislative Scorecard


The Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona Publishes Third Annual Legislative Scorecard

The 2020 Liberty Index is the third annual legislative scorecard published by the Arizona chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. The Liberty Index scores state legislators on 20 pivotal bills/votes from the 2020 legislative session that either advanced liberty or diminished liberty.

View the full scorecard and see how Arizona’s legislators scored: https://www.scribd.com/document/466499453/Liberty-Index-2020

RLC Endorses John Mills for Florida’s 1st Congressional District

John Mills

NAVARRE, FL – The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has endorsed John Mills for Florida’s 1st Congressional District.

Mills is a retired U. S. Navy pilot with nearly 40 years combined uniform and civilian service – he knows how to handle crisis situations quickly and effectively.

“America is in a crisis situation, and Mills is prepared to face our challenges head on,” said Matt Nye, RLC National Chairman. “We are proud to endorse John in this race because he is a fighter, and we know he will follow through on this promises.”

The first Congressional district has more veterans than any other district in the country.

“Despite President Trump’s valiant efforts to reform the Veterans Administration, our veterans still don’t receive the level of care they should,” said Nye. “As a veteran himself, John will fight to ensure our veterans receive the assistance they so justly deserve.”

Mills believes in the philosophy of liberty and freedom as presented in the Declaration of Independence, and the enumerated powers of the Federal government as set forth in the Constitution. He thinks the current size of the federal government must be greatly reduced to fall within its Constitutional limitations.

“John is a staunch believer in the framework of limited government outlined by the US Constitution,” Nye said. “He has taken on numerous leadership roles in our organizations by building his local charter, organizing Second Amendment Rallies and serving on both our state and national boards.”

RLC endorsements are given only to those who advocate in accordance with the organization’s principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets.

About the Republican Liberty Caucus
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.


RLC Endorses Willie J Montague for Florida’s 10th Congressional District

Willie Montague

ORLANDO, FL – The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has endorsed Willie J Montague for Florida’s 10th Congressional District. Montague is a pastor and has founded multiple nonprofit organizations whose focus is to empower and mentor young men between the ages of 18-25 seeking a second chance at life.

“Willie has worked on the front lines for 16 years to provide young men a second chance at a better life,” said Nye. “He has witnessed first-hand the destruction caused by the failed policies of the left, and he wants to see it stopped.”

Montague also cites second amendment rights, advocating for job creation, tax reform, market-based health care reform, and standing firm to uphold legal immigration as reasons for running. If elected, Montague says he will “go to Washington, D.C. to fight for limited government and a return to the constitutional role of governance.”

“Willie shares our view that elected officials should be citizen legislators, along with our philosophy of what constitutes good governance”, Nye said. “We are proud to support him in his bid for Florida’s 10th Congressional District.”

Candidates seeking endorsement by the RLC are rigorously vetted, and endorsements are given only to those who show strict adherence to the organization’s principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets.

About the Republican Liberty Caucus
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

RLC Endorses Kat Cammack in Florida’s 3rd Congressional District

Kat Cammack

GAINESVILLE, FL – The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has endorsed Kat Cammack for Florida’s 3rd Congressional District.

Cammack is a small business owner, an alumnus of the United States Naval War College, and the longtime former Deputy Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager to Congressman Ted Yoho (R, FL-03). She is competing in the crowded Florida 3rd Congressional Republican primary race for the soon to be vacated seat of Congressman Ted Yoho.

Cammack stood firm alongside President Trump in 2016 to fight for the America First agenda and against the threat of socialism.

“The masks have come off, and the Socialists are now operating in broad daylight in Washington, D.C.,” said National RLC Chairman Matt Nye. “We are proud to endorse Kat in this race because we know she will fight for our values in Congress.”

Cammack is a concealed carry permit holder and a board member for the Alachua County Friends of NRA. In addition to her desire for limited government, she is firmly committed to protecting our right to keep and bear arms.

“The founders understood the right to bear arms was crucial to the survival of our nation,” said Nye. “As we watch events unfold in the wake of COVID-19 and the death of George Floyd, it is more important than ever we have members of Congress that will fight to preserve this precious right.”

RLC endorsements are given only to those who advocate in accordance with the organization’s principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets.

About the Republican Liberty Caucus
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

Follow Kat on Social Media:
Twitter: @Kat_Cammack
Instagram: @KatforCongress
Facebook: @Kat Cammack