Melbourne, FL - The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has endorsed Greg Steube for Florida Congressional District 17. "The RLC is pleased to endorse Greg Steube for Florida Congressional District 17," said Matt Nye, Republican Liberty Caucus National Chairman. "Greg Steube's...
The “Audit the Fed” bill has been reintroduced to both chambers of Congress in a joint effort to prevent the Federal Reserve from masking important operating information from Congress. The bill would allow the nonpartisan, independent Government Accountability Office...
After careful consideration, the board members of the Republican Liberty Caucus are pleased to endorse Nick Freitas (R-VA) for Senate. His commitment to limited constitutional government, economic liberty, private property, self-defense, fiscal responsibility, educational freedom, and individual liberty are...
This past Saturday I sat in on an interesting session at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. It was entitled “What will it take to win in 2018, 2020 – and beyond?”, and the panel was populated by several notable libertarian...
Washington DC- During a visit to the nation's capitol, Republican Liberty Caucus executive director, Alex Snitker presented Representative Walter Jones with an RLC Honorary Membership. Representative Jones has been a long time advocate for liberty in the US House of...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas would like to congratulate Michael Cloud for being the first non-incumbent RLC endorsee for federal office of the 2018 election season to win a contested primary. Cloud defeated Bech Broun with an impressive...
Melbourne, FL - The Republican Liberty Caucus is proud to endorse Nick Polce for Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District. Polce is a husband, father, businessmen, and former US Army Green Beret Combat Veteran. He has said in previous interviews that...
Reston, VA - The Republican Liberty Caucus team joined Young Americans for Liberty at their annual conference in Reston VA, July 25th thru July 29th. Over 1,000 students applied to attend this invite only event and of them 435...
By Lee Evan Nehr Having never attended any previous Freedomfest before, I was excited by the prospect of attending this year’s convention. I would finally see the broader liberty movement at work and listen to some of the greatest minds...
Melbourne, FL - The Republican Liberty Caucus is proud to endorse Shane Hazel for Georgia's 7th Congressional District. Shane is a husband, father of three children, a former Marine, and self described Limited Government Republican. "The Oath I swore to...