The RLCTX was out in full force at the Texas Capitol for its Legislative Day, Febuarauy 21, 2019. The Texas Legislature only meets every two years and is strictly adherent to a calendar and time limit, regardless what business...
Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida Endorses Ron Desantis for Governor 9/12/18 Melbourne, FL - The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida is proud to announce its endorsement of Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida. "In order to keep far-left, democratic socialism at...
Melbourne, Florida - September 14th.  Approximately 60 delegates from around the state came together in Melbourne for the 2019 biennial convention of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida. Officers and directors were elected during the business meeting that morning...
Thirty plus RLC members from all corners of Florida descended on Tallahassee March 11th and 12th for what many are describing as our best "Liberty Lobby Days" trip ever. These members enthusiastically supported our 2019 Legislative Agenda in one...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Colorado has just released their 2019 Liberty Scorecard for the 2019 Colorado State Legislative Session. The only A’s were awarded to House Republicans Steve Humphrey, Patrick Neville and Lori Saine. Complete results can be found...
The 2019 Liberty Index is the second annual legislative scorecard published by the Arizona chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. The Liberty Index scores legislators on 20 pivotal bills selected by the RLCAZ that either advance liberty or diminish...
Encouraged by the positive feedback from the 2019 Liberty Scorecard, the RLC of Colorado will be expanding the number of bills reviewed and compiling more comprehensive results for the 2020 Liberty Scorecard. The Liberty Scorecard is closely modeled after Principles...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona Publishes Third Annual Legislative Scorecard The 2020 Liberty Index is the third annual legislative scorecard published by the Arizona chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. The Liberty Index scores state legislators on 20...
By Lee Even Neher, Vice Chairman RLC Louisiana The RLC of Central East Florida has held an event to celebrate Constitution Day for the past 10 years. Each event growing larger in stature and outdoing the previous year’s gala. This...
On February 28, The Massachusetts Chapter ratified its bylaws and elected its board. The executive board members are Dave Collins- Chairman, Steve Tougas, Vice Chair and acting clerk, and Steve Fruzzetti- Treasurer. The National board of directors in turn...