The Republican Liberty Caucus has issued a statement in opposition to H.R. 4710 "Pharmaceutical Independence Long-Term Readiness Readiness Reform Act" by Representative John Garamendi, D-CA-3. Forcibly localizing this supply chain would be a substantial undertaking which would require finding new...
MELBOURNE, FL - The death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minnesota police officer last week is another in a series of horrific examples where unarmed citizens - of all races and ethnicities - have died at...
This is a critical moment for our constitutional rights, as the House of Representatives is poised to vote imminently on the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This controversial statute has been criticized for...
Liberty Index Overview Created by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona, the 2018 Liberty Index is a liberty-focused legislative scorecard for Arizona’s state legislators. The scorecard consists largely of bills from the 2018 legislative session. However, a handful of significant...
The “Audit the Fed” bill has been reintroduced to both chambers of Congress in a joint effort to prevent the Federal Reserve from masking important operating information from Congress. The bill would allow the nonpartisan, independent Government Accountability Office...
This past Saturday I sat in on an interesting session at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. It was entitled “What will it take to win in 2018, 2020 – and beyond?”, and the panel was populated by several notable libertarian...
One thing that never ceases to amaze is the Republican Party’s uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. When the Democrats have control of the levers of power they work ruthlessly to get their agenda passed, even...
MELBOURNE, FL – The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) is asking all members and supporters to attend the nationwide rallies in support of the Second Amendment, hosted by the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans. The rallies are scheduled to take...
MELBOURNE, FL -Last week Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) issued a video statement via social media. In the video he said that, according to Senate rules, if the leadership and/or the Budget Committee did not submit a budget plan for...