The Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona held their quarterly meeting on July 24 and unveiled their fourth annual legislative scorecard. The 2021 Liberty Index scores legislators based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government and free markets. Twenty...
Liberty Index Overview Created by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona, the 2018 Liberty Index is a liberty-focused legislative scorecard for Arizona’s state legislators. The scorecard consists largely of bills from the 2018 legislative session. However, a handful of significant...
Created by the Republican Liberty Caucus, the 2021 Liberty Index is a liberty-focused legislative scorecard for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. The Liberty Index scores Republican members of Congress on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2021 that either advance...
The Republican Liberty Caucus has issued a statement in opposition to H.R. 4710 "Pharmaceutical Independence Long-Term Readiness Readiness Reform Act" by Representative John Garamendi, D-CA-3. Forcibly localizing this supply chain would be a substantial undertaking which would require finding new...