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The 2024 Senate Liberty Index: Champions of Liberty in Congress

The recently released 2024 Liberty Index reveals a striking contrast within the Republican Party. While Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Mike Lee (UT) achieved perfect 100% liberty scores for consistently voting to protect individual rights and limit government overreach, the average Republican Senator scored just 46%.

These numbers tell a powerful story: the principles that should define the Republican Party are being upheld by a dedicated few, while many establishment Republicans continue supporting bloated government spending, warrantless surveillance, and foreign interventionism.

The complete 2024 Senate Liberty Index, including detailed vote breakdowns and methodology, is available at Liberty Index 2024 – US Senate.

This is precisely why the Republican Liberty Caucus exists – to bring the GOP back to its foundational values.

The 2024 Liberty Index: A Revealing Look at Congress’s Liberty Champions and Pretenders

RLC Liberty Index 2024 - House

The Republican Liberty Caucus has released its 2024 Liberty Index, providing a comprehensive analysis of how Republican members of Congress voted on crucial liberty issues throughout the year. The results paint a stark picture of the divide between true liberty advocates and those who merely pay lip service to limited government principles.

The Liberty Index examined 20 pivotal votes affecting individual rights, limited government, and free markets. From government spending and surveillance to foreign intervention and free speech, these votes represented key moments where Representatives could either stand for liberty or embrace big government.

Key Findings:
The average Republican score was a disappointing 34 out of 100, revealing that most GOP members routinely vote against liberty principles despite their campaign rhetoric. However, a small group of Representatives consistently defended liberty, with Kentucky’s Thomas Massie and Arizona’s Andy Biggs leading the pack at 102 points each (including bonus points for sponsoring pro-liberty legislation).
Top Performers:

Thomas Massie (KY) – 102
Andy Biggs (AZ) – 102
Eli Crane (AZ) – 97
Scott Perry (PA) – 97
Matt Rosendale (MT) – 97
Chip Roy (TX) – 97
Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) – 96
Bob Good (VA) – 92

The Index revealed particularly concerning voting patterns on fiscal issues. Multiple continuing resolutions and omnibus spending bills passed with significant Republican support, despite adding to our $36 trillion national debt. Additionally, Republicans frequently sided with leadership on bills expanding government surveillance powers and sending billions in foreign aid abroad.

Critical votes analyzed included:

  • The $468 billion Consolidated Appropriations Act
  • FISA reauthorization and warrantless surveillance
  • Multiple continuing resolutions funding government at record levels
  • $97 billion in foreign aid packages
  • Federal Reserve oversight and restrictions
  • What’s particularly notable about the top performers is their consistency across different types of liberty issues. Whether the vote involved spending, privacy, foreign policy, or regulatory matters, these Representatives maintained their commitment to constitutional principles.
    The Liberty Index serves as an essential tool for holding Representatives accountable to their promises of supporting limited government and individual rights. It cuts through campaign rhetoric to show exactly how members voted when it mattered most.

    Looking ahead to 2025, the RLC will continue monitoring these crucial votes and providing transparency about which Representatives truly stand for liberty. The complete Liberty Index, including detailed vote breakdowns and methodology, is available at Liberty Index 2024 – US House.

    For liberty advocates and constituents looking to hold their Representatives accountable, this index provides clear, actionable data about who genuinely fights for limited government principles and who simply talks about them during campaign season.

    IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: Protect Your Privacy Rights

    Protect Your Privacy Rights - oppose the reauthorization of FISA

    This is a critical moment for our constitutional rights, as the House of Representatives is poised to vote imminently on the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This controversial statute has been criticized for infringing on citizens’ privacy without sufficient oversight.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson and certain members of the GOP leadership have been resistant to introducing necessary reforms to this legislation, opting instead for a direct reauthorization that fails to address key constitutional concerns.

    Adding insult to injury, Congressman Thomas Massie posted on Twitter “Congress gives itself a carve-out in the reauthorization of FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans.

    The bill requires the FBI to notify and seek consent from Congress before violating the privacy of Congressmen.”

    Congressman Massie then posted this critical question: “Ask yourself: If there’s nothing wrong or unconstitutional in this program, why does Congress want a carve-out for itself?”


    It is imperative that you, as a constituent, reach out to your U.S. Representative and your Senators. Make your voice heard: assert your opposition to the reauthorization of FISA as it stands, a move that would continue to jeopardize our privacy rights.

    Moreover, I encourage you to advocate for the consideration and passage of S. 3372, the “Fourth Amendment Restoration and Protection Act,” championed by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.). This pivotal piece of legislation promises to reinforce the safeguarding of Americans’ rights as enshrined in the Fourth Amendment by curtailing unwarranted government surveillance—including activities permitted under FISA.

    The introduction of S. 3372 represents a positive stride towards re-establishing the integrity of the Fourth Amendment and curtailing unauthorized surveillance of American citizens. Your representatives in Congress need to hear from you: the time to reinforce our constitutional protections is now.

    Please contact your representatives and insist that they REJECT ANY REAUTHORIZATION OF FISA that does not include substantial reforms and DECLARE YOUR SUPPORT for S. 3372, the “Fourth Amendment Restoration and Protection Act.” Your action can make a decisive difference in the fight to preserve our constitutional liberties.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and our rights are defended.



    Rand Paul scores “100” on RLC US Senate Liberty Index – Again!


    The Republican Liberty Caucus has published its 2023 liberty-focused scorecard for the U.S. Senate.

    The Liberty Index scores Republican Senators on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2023 that either advance liberty or diminish liberty. For information on the bills selected, see the bill explanations on pages three and four of the document.

    The Liberty Score is obtained by calculating the percentage that a Senator votes in line with the RLC. For example, the highest possible Liberty Score is 100. This is achieved if a Senator voted with the RLC 100% of the time.

    A high score on this scorecard does not equate to an automatic endorsement from the RLC. This scorecard simply evaluates the voting record of each Republican Senator during the 2023 calendar year.

    The Top Defenders of Liberty demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the principles of individual liberty, limited government and free markets. This means they voted against wasteful spending, they stood up for our constitutional rights, they voted to repeal unneeded laws/regulations, and they supported a non-interventionist foreign policy that keeps American troops out of undeclared wars.

    Senator Rand Paul was the only Senator who earned a perfect score of 100. Other top scorers were Mike Braun (95) and Mike Lee (90). J.D. Vance was the highest scoring freshman Senator (85).

    Liberty Index 2023 – RLC Sc… by RepublicanLibertyCaucus

    Rep Thomas Massie (KY) earns perfect score on RLC Liberty Index


    The Republican Liberty Caucus has published its 2023 liberty-focused scorecard for the U.S. House.

    The Liberty Index scores Republican members of Congress on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2023 that either advance liberty or diminish liberty. For information on the bills selected, see the bill explanations on pages three and four of the document.

    The Liberty Score is obtained by calculating the percentage that a Representative votes in line with the RLC. For example, the highest possible Liberty Score is 100. This is achieved if a Representative voted with the RLC 100% of the time. Bonus points are also available (see the list of bills).

    A high score on this scorecard does not equate to an automatic endorsement from the RLC. This scorecard simply evaluates the voting record of each Republican member of Congress during the 2023 calendar year.

    The Top Defenders of Liberty demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the principles of individual liberty, limited government and free markets. This means they voted against wasteful spending, they stood up for our constitutional rights, they voted to repeal unneeded laws/regulations, and they supported a non-interventionist foreign policy that keeps American troops out of undeclared wars.

    This year only one Representative earned a perfect score: Congressman Thomas Massie. Congressmen Andy Biggs and Eli Crane also earned exceptional scores, at a nearly perfect 97. Other top scorers included Andrew Ogles (95), Anna Paulina Luna (94), Alex Mooney (94), Matt Gaetz (92), Bob Good (92), Paul Goasr (92), Scott Perry (92) Matt Rosendale (92), and Dan Bishop (91).

    Liberty Index 2023 – RLC Sc… by RLC-AZ

    The Republican Liberty Caucus endorses Alex Mooney for U.S. Senate in West Virginia

    The Republican Liberty Caucus endorses Alex Mooney for U.S. Senate in West Virginia.
    The Republican Liberty Caucus endorses Alex Mooney for U.S. Senate in West Virginia.


    The Republican Liberty Caucus endorses Alex Mooney for U.S. Senate in West Virginia.

    (SAN FRANCISCO, CA) The board of the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) voted to endorse Alex Mooney for U.S. Senate in West Virginia.

    “West Virginia’s senate race in 2024 presents a unique opportunity to replace a Democrat with a true, liberty-minded conservative,” said RLC Chairman John Dennis. “Congressman Alex Mooney has a consistent, pro-liberty record. As a proven defender of freedom he has the full endorsement of the Republican Liberty Caucus.”

    Rep. Alex Mooney’s principled record is evident on the 2022 Liberty Index, the Republican Liberty Caucus’ annual legislative scorecard. Mooney was recognized as a “Top Defender of Liberty” by earning a nearly perfect Liberty Score of 90.

    Mooney has been a tireless advocate for the same principles the Republican Liberty Caucus fights for every day: smaller government, individual rights and free markets. He’ll continue to stand up for liberty in the Senate, alongside Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee.


    The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

    Contact: secretary@rlc.org

    Five House Republicans earn perfect score on RLC Liberty Index

    Liberty Index 2022 - House

    The Republican Liberty Caucus has published its annual liberty-focused scorecard for the U.S. House.

    The Liberty Index scores Republican members of Congress on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2022 that either advance liberty or diminish liberty. For information on the bills selected, see the bill explanations on pages three and four of the document.

    A green number one indicates that the Representative voted with the RLC on that bill. A red number zero indicates the Representative voted against the RLC position on that bill. “NV” means the Representative was absent and did not vote. Absences are scored the same as a vote against the RLC position. “NA” means the Representative was not in office at that time. Members of Congress who were not in office the full year were only scored on votes during their tenure.

    The Liberty Score is obtained by calculating the percentage that a Representative votes in line with the RLC. For example, the highest possible Liberty Score is 100. This is achieved if a Representative voted with the RLC 100% of the time.

    A high score on this scorecard does not equate to an automatic endorsement from the RLC. This scorecard simply evaluates the voting record of each Republican member of Congress during the 2022 calendar year.

    Congratulations to Congressmen Andy Biggs, Dan Bishop, Thomas Massie, Chip Roy and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who each earned a perfect score of 100 on the 2022 Liberty Index!

    Liberty Index 2022 – RLC Sc… by RLC-AZ

    Rand Paul scores perfect “100” on RLC US Senate Liberty Index

    Rep Andy Biggs, Senator Rand Paul & Senator Lee

    The Republican Liberty Caucus has published its annual liberty-focused scorecard for the U.S. Senate.

    The Liberty Index scores Republican Senators on 20 pivotal bills/votes from 2022 that either advance liberty or diminish liberty. Green bills are pro-liberty bills supported by the RLC. Red bills are anti-liberty bills opposed by the RLC.

    For information on the bills selected, see the bill explanations on pages three and four of the document.

    A green number one indicates that the Senator voted with the RLC on that bill. A red number zero indicates the Senator voted against the RLC position on that bill. “NV” means the Senator was absent and did not vote. Absences are scored the same as a vote against the RLC position.

    The Liberty Score is obtained by calculating the percentage that a Senator votes in line with the RLC. For example, the highest possible Liberty Score is 100. This is achieved if a Senator voted with the RLC 100% of the time.

    A high score on this scorecard does not equate to an automatic endorsement from the RLC. This scorecard simply evaluates the voting record of each Republican Senator during the 2022 calendar year.

    Congratulations to Senator Rand Paul for earning a perfect score of 100 on the 2022 Liberty Index! Senators Mike Lee and Mike Braun were also top scorers at 95.

    Liberty Index 2022 – RLC Sc… by RLC-AZ

    RLC Opposes $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill, Condemns Republican Support


    MELBOURNE, FL – Congressional leaders in both parties are preparing to ram through a Christmas gift most Americans would prefer not to receive: another massively wasteful $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that will lock in spending until September of next year.

    The Republican Liberty Caucus vehemently opposes this reckless fiscal insanity and condemns every legislator in Congress who votes for this bill – especially the Republicans.

    Last month, Americans sent a loud message to Washington, D.C., when they voted to give Republicans control of the House. Surging inflation and soaring interest rates are crushing the American household, and the American people spoke out. Congress should listen, acknowledge reality and get its fiscal House in order. Instead, it’s doubling down on stupid.

    To the Republicans working with Democratic leadership to pass this bipartisan boondoggle: you should be ashamed. The idea of voting on a 4,155-page bill without giving representatives time to read it is anathema to how our system of representation is supposed to work.

    Republicans were rightly outraged when Pelosi famously said of Obamacare, “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.” When Senate Democrats did an end run around the normal process to get Obamacare passed, Republicans were livid. Yet today, we have Republican leaders using the “pass it to see what’s in it” strategy and similar tactics to help the Democrats pass a spending bill without discussion or debate.

    The United States is drowning in $31 trillion of debt, but the federal government, enabled by the Federal Reserve’s ability to print money at will, continues to spend American tax dollars at unprecedented levels with breakneck speed. If not stopped immediately, the result will be the complete collapse of the US dollar. The American economy and way of life will follow.

    Republicans in Congress should reject the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill as dead on arrival and wait until January so the House can do its job and pass an actual budget. Failure by Congress to do so is a grave disservice to the American people and a slap in the face to the tens of millions of Republicans that voted for fiscal restraint.

    Republican Liberty Caucus Endorses Andy Biggs for House Speaker

    Andy Biggs for House Speaker

    With House Republicans underperforming under Kevin McCarthy’s leadership, it’s time for the Republican Party to chart a new direction. While the GOP did manage to retake control of the House, the majority isn’t as strong as it should have been.

    Americans are tired of the same old corrupt establishment in DC. Swamp politicians are destroying the American Dream with disastrous big government policies passed in the name of bipartisanship.

    Unlike Speaker McCarthy, Congressman Andy Biggs has an unwavering record of defending liberty. He has shown total commitment to the principles the Republican Party is supposed to stand for: individual rights, limited government, and free markets. This is why the Republican Liberty Caucus is endorsing Andy Biggs for House Speaker.

    As a former President of the Arizona Senate and former leader of the House Freedom Caucus, Andy Biggs has proven he can and will serve in leadership without compromising principles. We are confident that as House Speaker Biggs will restore the legislative process in Congress and bring the party back towards smaller government, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom.

    The time for “business as usual” is over. It’s time for a House Republican Caucus that fights for liberty and the best interests of hard-working Americans. The crony establishment must be replaced with a real leader, and that leader is Andy Biggs. We urge all House Republicans to support him for Speaker of the House.