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The Case for Rand Paul


Tomorrow is the Iowa Caucus. The final Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll released before caucus day showed Trump in the lead, Cruz following, Rubio third, Carson in fourth and Rand Paul alone in fifth. Previous Iowa primary winners and false conservative prophets, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, are only to be found pandering to the coattails of Mr. Trump. Mitt Romney is probably eating lunch somewhere by himself today, reminiscing aloud about how he almost made it. But what about Ron Paul? Was he not the eventual Iowa caucus victor?

For four years, liberty Republicans around America have been yearning to put their voice to a vote and reaffirm our place as a win or lose bloc in the Republican Party. Without the liberty vote, the GOP nominee will never be able to grow and win in a general election – we proved that twice when John McCain and Mitt Romney both lost to Barack Obama. Today, former RLC Chairman Ron Paul will be in Iowa campaigning with his son Rand. The father and son duo will headline a rally at the University of Iowa at 8pm eastern standard time which will also be livestreamed via Periscope. Coming off of a very strong debate win on Thursday, this may just be the momentum Rand needs to win on February 1st.

If we truly want to reverse the effects of socialism and crony capitalism that have infected our democracy, if we truly believe in halting executive overreach, we must nominate a candidate that embodies frugality, respect, justice and liberty for all. From former IRS commissioners, moderates, war hawks to Bushes; the Washington machine has put worth an array of clowns, mirages and fools to entertain the public with the idea that maybe sacrificing bits and pieces of liberty in exchange for more security is ok after all. Do not be tricked into supporting one of these candidates, they do NOT stand for the principles of the Republican Party, nor do they stand by the principles of laisse-faire capitalism and liberty.

This is why we’re urging all of our members in Iowa who voted and caucused for our former presidential endorsee Ron Paul to now support the candidate we endorsed weeks ago, Rand Paul. In fact, Ron Paul has personally endorsed Rand as well.

As a surgical ophthalmologist, Dr. Rand Paul has been healing the blind at his practice in Kentucky since 2007 and internationally by giving free pro bono eye surgeries to the poor. Since he was elected in 2010 to the U.S. Senate he has retained a near perfect record of attendance and a principled voting history which can be attested by the likes of FreedomWorks, the Cato Institute and the American Conservative Union. He has been the winner of our straw poll in both 2013, and 2015, the past three CPAC straw polls and is the only candidate who will believes that we need to bring our troops, who have been stationed in the Middle East for the past thirteen years, home at last.

We cannot afford to elect another losing candidate in the general election, please show up to your precinct tomorrow to caucus and vote for Rand because our liberty depends on it. No other candidate is capable of beating Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in the general election and growing the Republican Party. Vote for Rand Paul

RLC Endorses Rand Paul for President


WASHINGTON, DC – The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) is proud to announce the endorsement of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) for the Republican presidential nomination. In a crowded field of candidates, most of whom show little genuine commitment to individual liberty, cutting spending or reducing the size of government, Senator Paul stands out as a consistent champion of the values of the Republican Liberty Caucus: limited government, free enterprise and personal liberty.

An RLC presidential endorsement requires a candidate to secure a two-thirds vote of the RLC state charters. Only a few presidential candidates have earned this honor in the 25 year history of the organization. While Rand Paul won the straw poll in New Hampshire at the RLC National Convention last October, the formal endorsement is the product of a more involved and controlled process engaging directly with RLC state charters and members.

“The RLC is a 100% grassroots, bottom up organization, and this endorsement indicates Senator Paul is the candidate of choice among our state charters and membership at large,” said RLC National Chairman Matt Nye. “Senator Paul has been a consistent favorite with our members since he announced his candidacy, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to formally endorse him.”

Senator Paul has been one of the strongest voices for liberty in the Senate, and has consistently opposed government abuse and the trampling of individual rights under the Obama administration. Paul has led on efforts for sentencing reform, to audit the Federal Reserve, to protect the Bill of Rights and to control spending. A President Paul would be the standard bearer for the GOP on issues like these on the national stage.

“The Republican Party is changing and we need dynamic new leaders like Paul to end the divisive rhetoric and dangerous policies being promoted by other candidates,” said RLC National Vice Chairman Dave Nalle. “Paul has motivated unprecedented numbers of student activists and successfully reached out to minorities. There is a war on for the future of the Republican Party, and Paul represents the faction which must win if the Party is going to grow and represent positive values Republicans can be proud of.”

A major goal of the Republican Liberty Caucus is to expand the number of Senators and Representatives who are dedicated to the principles of small government, free enterprise and individual liberty. With Rand Paul at the top of the Republican ticket and a great field of liberty candidates, a repeat of the 2010 and 2014 elections which gave the Republicans control of both the House and the Senate is possible.

“With proven leaders like Rand Paul we can bring our government back to the values of the founders,” Nye said. “The liberty and prosperity of American citizens will once again be at the top of the national agenda, rather than an afterthought, as is so often the case now.”

Texas RLC Convention February 13th 2016


    The Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas is proud to announce its State Convention set for the weekend of February 13th in Austin, Texas. We have been working hard to bring a quality program in entertainment as well as activist training. Also, with Texas being part of Super Tuesday’s primary schedule this cycle, we will hold a Presidential Straw Poll.

    Invited speakers: Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, Congressman Justin Amash, Rep. Jonathan Stickland, Rep. James White, Rep. David Simpson, Mr. Michael Steele, Mr. Donald Trump, Mr. Read King, Mr. Terry Holcomb, Ms. Debra Medina, Mr. Jerry Patterson, Mr. Dwayne Stovall, Mr. Keith Strahan, and Mr. Steve Stockman, Mr. Michael Steele, Art Martinez de Vara. Confirmed speaker list will be updated as convention draws closer.

    Leaders from Tea Parties, Republican Auxiliaries, and single issue organizations, are invited to attend. This convention is an excellent time to create resolutions for the 2016 TXGOP Platform and to form a Republican Liberty Coalition. Tabling and sponsor opportunities are available. Please contact us if you are interested. mbernstein@rlctx.net

    Get your packages now before the prices go up! The early bird prices will run through January 17th, at which point full prices will go into effect. The code to reserve a room if you wish to stay at the hotel is RLC.

    WHEN: Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM – Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 9:00 PM (CST)

    WHERE: Embassy Suites, Austin Arboretum – 9505 Stonelake Boulevard Austin, TX 78759

    We’d like to remind everyone, the Republican Liberty Caucus prides itself on an open convention atmosphere. Anyone who wants to register to attend this event is eligible, you do not have to be a paid member of the RLC. Only paid members will have voting power and be in attendance to the business section of the convention, but all of the other events are open to anyone.

    Special speakers, grassroots training and lots of fun are planned.

    A reception will be held on Friday evening from 7pm-10pm, paid RLC members are invited to attend this event for free. Non-members are welcome with paid event ticket. Light food and a cash bar will be provided.

    Saturday will be a busy day with speakers and training.

    Breakfast is free for anyone who books a room at the hotel. Breakfast is available for a fee for those not staying at the hotel.

    Lunch, dinner and all training is covered under the general convention registration.

    Training will include Precinct Chair/Delegate/Convention training, Platform/Resolution/Records training, How to Fight Bond Elections, Roberts Rules and an Open Carry presentation. For RLC members training on the National database, CiviCRM will be provided.

    In liberty,

    Jeff LeBlanc
    Vice Chairman
    Republican Liberty Caucus, Texas

    Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio Expands Its Liberty Index With Launch of the 2016 Candidate Survey


    (Columbus, Ohio) December 17, 2015: The Ohio Liberty Index is a one-two punch, arming Ohio voters like never before. Last month the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (RLCOH) unveiled the Ohio Legislative Liberty Index, scoring each and every sitting legislator on their liberty record. The 2016 Candidate Survey is the first part of the Ohio Candidate Liberty Index, which, in conjunction with the Ohio Legislator Liberty Index, will give liberty supporters in Ohio something they have never had: the ability to not only see what their current elected officials are doing in the statehouse, but the ability to decide if they want to keep them or replace them with more liberty-minded individuals.

    “Republican candidates for the Ohio House and Senate can tell us their liberty story,” said Bill Yarbrough, Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio. “We will score every Republican legislative race, contested or not, and whether or not a survey is returned. Ohio voters need this information to make a reasoned decision about their Republican candidates.”

    The RLCOH will provide one of three scores to candidates based on the survey:

    NOT RECOMMENDED – candidate did not fill out survey, answered it in an unsatisfactory manner, or responses did not coincide with candidates historical voting record (if applicable)

    RECOMMENDED – candidate completed the survey satisfactorily and/or candidate voting record aligns with stated principles of the RLCOH

    RECOMMENDED AND ENDORSED – candidate meets the requirements for recommendation and has been scored favorably by the voting members of the Candidate Committee after required endorsement interviews

    For more information and to download a copy of the 2016 Candidate Survey, please go to http://rlcoh.org/oh-candidates

    Republican Liberty Caucus Launches SmartPhone App


    The Republican Liberty Caucus is pleased to announce the release of our new fully featured SmartPhone app. It is a poweful tool to help us motivate, direct and inform activists using the speed, efficiency and convenience that we carry with us wherever we go.

    The app was developed through a partnership with Right Mobile US. It features national political news, convention and event info, and RLC specific content for the national organization and state chapters. It has everything you need to keep up to date on issues and activism in a very convenient package.

    The APP also features full social media integration so you can share articles and grow membership. Some areas still need to be fleshed out, but the app is ready to use and available now, so give it a try. It’s streamlined and easy to use, but there’s room for improvement. If you have suggestions or if you’d like to join the content development team send an email to: contact.

    You can download the APP from Google Play, Apple App Store, and the Microsoft Store.

    Google Play
    Apple Store
    Microsoft Store

    Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio Releases Gamechanging Scoring System for Ohio Legislators


    The Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (RLCOH) introduced the first liberty index of all sitting Ohio legislators this past Saturday at Williams on the Lake in Medina, Ohio.  In addition, they introduced plans for GOP candidates will be surveyed and potentially endorsed by the RLCOH, a state charter of the National Republican Liberty Caucus.

    Featured speakers included Sen. Kris Jordan, Ann Becker from Ohio Rising, Students for Concealed Carry Ohio Director Mike Newbern, and Congressional Candidates Matt Lynch and Mark Zetzer.  Video of the event can be viewed at https://youtu.be/hyEYxDzdJV0, and the RLCOH Ohio Liberty Index can be viewed at http://rlcoh.org/oh-legislators.

    RLCOH to Unveil Gamechanging Scoring System for Legislators


    The Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio will be holding the Ohio Liberty Index Presentation this Saturday, November 14th at 11AM at Williams on the Lake, 787 Lafayette Rd, Medina, Ohio 44256. During this event, the RLCOH will be unveiling two new tools: the Ohio Candidate Liberty Index and the Ohio Legislator Liberty Index. Both will be available at rlcoh.org, and will provide a Liberty Index score to every sitting legislator in the Ohio House and Senate, as well as any Republican candidates for state legislative offices. The legislator scores will be based on votes cast for a selected group of bills, deemed by the RLCOH as having a significant impact on the liberty of Ohio citizens, while the candidate scores will be based on surveys, interviews, and past experience of votes to determine those candidates who are most likely to uphold the liberties of Ohio citizens.

    “This will be a game changer in the state of Ohio. We’re filling a significant void in Ohio politics,” says RLCOH Chair, Bill Yarbrough. “In elections, there’s no way to objectively weigh two Republicans facing‐off against each other. And, for all legislators, regardless of party, there is no comprehensive performance tool for voters concerned about liberty issues. It all changes this weekend.”

    “The response has been tremendous,” says RLCOH Public Relations Chair Mathew Erickson. “From the candidate side, we have been receiving requests for surveys ever since we announced this new tool, and will be sending all of those out after we finalize the survey. On the legislative side, we’ve heard from many state representatives and senators expressing an interest in how the scorecard will work. And from the liberty minded voters in Ohio, there has been a tremendous interest shown in both tools, and people are really excited that there will finally be SOMETHING available to hold our elected representatives accountable.”

    There will be a question and answer period after the presentation, where the attendees will have the ability to ask questions of the presenters that are participating in this event, including Sen. Kris Jordan, Rep. Tom Brinkman, and congressional candidate Matt Lynch and Mark Zetzer. There also be a simulcast of the event available at rlcoh.org/rlcoh-liberty-index-conference where people can watch the event live, and participate in the live Q&A that will take place after the presentation.

    Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio Urges a ‘NO’ Vote on Issue 1


    In 2012, there was a State Issue 1 that also dealt with voting districts. At the heart of the old issue was detailed criteria for voting districts that would have kept districts compact and ensured communities could not be split in order to accommodate a political whim of the majority party seeking to wipe out prevailing views of your neighborhood. We were begged to vote against the 2012 measure because they said it was too complicated and gave power to an unelected board (which was the point). They promised real reform if we voted down the measure. What we have 3 years later is the brand new Issue 1.

    Issue 1 increases the State Apportionment Board from five to seven members, and requires a minimum of two minority party members are on the Board and approve of any state legislative districts for 10 years. So far, so good. If new districts do not earn two minority party votes, they could still go into effect, but only for 4 years, after which the process begins anew.

    Issue 1 attempts to address gerrymandering – Board members “shall attempt to draw” districts fitting new requirements for keeping communities intact. However, there is a huge prize for whoever sits in the majority. For the minority, it will always be best to wait 4 years in hopes of becoming the majority so they can be in charge of picking your voters. The new criteria for district boundaries are laudable but lack teeth in any legal challenge. The incentive for both the majority and minority is to wheel-and-deal to their advantage rather than seek real fair districts for their constituents.

    In the Ohio House and Ohio Senate, an elected official must reside in the district voting for them. If your lines are redrawn every 4 years, you are constantly threatened with being drawn-out of re-election if you don’t conform to the wishes of party leadership.

    Issue 1 only affects state legislative districts and not Congressional ones. This sets-up the likelihood that either nothing will change with how Congressional districts are drawn, or an entirely different process will evolve for federal versus state apportionment. If this process is so good, why are we not being asked to amend the state constitution once and fix all our problems right now?

    Voters are already jaded by hyper-partisanship and confused by the myriad district lines in their communities. Issue 1 makes it more likely that district lines will become more confusing, change separately for federal versus state districts, and change with more frequency.

    The best case fielded for Issue 1 is that it is a modest improvement over the current system where the majority can run roughshod over the minority and impose their will by a simple vote. We disagree. As horrible as our current system is, we believe it is better than one that provides the illusion of progress. Lines that change more frequently encourage more partisanship, not less. And, there are great examples of how available technology can help to ensure objectively and mathematically fair districts as the basis for any new legislation. With this passage, a call for meaningful change for both state and Congressional apportionment is silenced for years to come as unethical dealings continue unabated and the individual voter sees her representation in Columbus pre-ordained by the party sequestering her neighborhood into a favorable slice of the voting population.

    For these reasons, The Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio urges a “No” vote on Issue 1. 

    Less Than One Month Until the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio Announces Liberty Index Scorecard


    (Columbus, Ohio) October 16, 2015: The Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (RLCOH) announces plans to unveil the first liberty index of all sitting Ohio legislators. In addition, GOP candidates will be surveyed and potentially endorsed by the RLCOH, a state charter of the National Republican Liberty Caucus.

    “We’re filling a significant void in Ohio politics,” says RLCOH Chair, Bill Yarbrough. “In elections, there’s no way to objectively weigh two Republicans facing‐off against each other. And, for all legislators, regardless of party, there is no comprehensive performance tool for voters concerned about liberty issues. It all changes this November.”

    The media and all liberty‐minded Ohioans are all invited to Williams on the Lake, 787 Lafayette Rd in Medina, Ohio, on November 14th at 11:00 AM or via a live stream from RLCOH.org to hear about these tools first hand. Those planning to attend can go to http://www.facebook.com/events/1634450573482592/ and register for this free event.

    Representative Tom Brinkman, Senator Kris Jordan and former Ohio legislator and current Congressional candidate Matt Lynch will share their thoughts around Ohio liberty issues, including:

    ‐ expanding the personal liberty of Ohioans

    ‐ limiting the size and scope of government in Ohio

    ‐ decreasing the tax and regulatory burden on Ohio individuals and businesses

    ‐ empowering local communities through decentralized Ohio government

    ‐ championing transparency and accountability of all Ohio government functions

    Live attendees and those participating over the web will be able to ask questions of RLCOH leadership and the guest speakers during a panel discussion over the course of this fast‐paced event.