Proposed Bylaws Amendments for 2021

RLC Position on Abortion – Proposed Revision
For some pregnant women, whether or not to have an abortion can be a critical life or death decision. Whether government should intervene to influence that decision is dependent on the legal status of the fetus. We acknowledge that there can be honest and ethical differences of opinion on that status, the rights of the woman, and the proper role of government.
We favor civil discussion of the question and take no position on the merits of conflicting legal, ethical, and religious viewpoints on either side of this issue. State and local chapters of the Republican Liberty Caucus are free to adopt their own positions and issue their own position statements on the issue of abortion.
We oppose any allocation of government funds or resources to facilitate abortions, advocate in the public discussion, or to jeopardize the right of any woman to defend her own life and health.
We support a resolution of this issue through the proper judicial and legislative channels specified in the Constitution.
RLC Position on Abortion – Existing Language
Abortion is a critical life and death choice for every pregnant woman. Whether government should intervene to influence that choice is dependent on the legal status of the fetus. We acknowledge that there can be honest and ethical differences of opinion on that status, the rights of the woman, and the proper role of government.
We favor civil discussion on this question, but take no position on the merits of conflicting legal, ethical, and religious viewpoints on either side.
We oppose any allocation of government funds or resources to facilitate abortions, advocate in the public discussion, or to jeopardize the right of any woman to defend her own life and health.
We support a resolution of this issue through the proper judicial and legislative channels specified in the Constitution.